Every year in America, we celebrate our Independence, the day we became a truly free nation. We’ll sing our national anthem, ending with a shrill, ” land of the free and the home of the brave”. We’ll eat hamburgers and hotdogs and loads of watermelon and then gather with family and friends to watch the fireworks.
We will remember those who gave their lives to purchase and maintain this freedom we enjoy. And, hopefully, we will pledge again not to waste this precious gift of God; the gift of being a people free to live and worship how we choose.
This July, we celebrate another amazing Freedom Day. On July 3rd in America, it will be July 4th in Uganda and the sun will rise for the first time over the newly opened Hope Center. The first survivors will move in and start the next chapter of their journey toward forever freedom.
We will celebrate together with you, our friends, who prayed for this day to come. We will rejoice with more than 70 churches who partnered with us in the month of June to make Freedom Day a reality. We will begin the long, yet exciting, process of rehabilitation, healing and teaching, as the survivors who come to the Hope Center experience real freedom for the first time since they were taken from their homes years ago.
We cannot thank you enough.
Watch the video below for a special message from Todd and Michelle Allen.
Freedom Day is finally here! But, the journey has just begun. Please consider supporting these survivors with continued prayer and a monthly financial gift as we work together to Keep Them Free.