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Golf-A-Thon For Hope’s Cry International


Great For: A fun family day, co-workers, church groups, even city outings! No need to be a skilled golfer.

Purpose: To raise funding and community awareness & support for Hope’s Cry International, a non-profit dedicated to ending human trafficking among the unreached people’s of Uganda.


Why Should I Participate?

By participating in the Hope’s Cry Golf-A-Thon, you will be joining hundreds of other individuals, churches and organizations during the month of July to raise support. The teams who raise the most money will be awarded prizes.

How Does It Work?

The best part is, you don’t even have to play golf to host a Golf-A-Thon!

1. Simply setup a fundraiser on Fundrazr – Click VIEW” on the badge above. 

2. Recruit as many participants as possible. They can play their rounds at the course of their choice at any point leading up to FREEDOM DAY – (July 3rd, 2022). Participants agree to play at their own expense. Some courses may agree to discounted rates to support the cause.

3. Each participant should set a goal to receive at least ten sponsors at $1 per hole. Each participant will commit to play a set # of holes. Every hole played means more money raised!

4. Participants will direct all sponsors to give through the team page they setup. You will not need to handle or track any donations. Simply recruit participants and provide them with the correct fundraising link.

5. Pictures and videos of Golf-A-Thon participants during the event can be posted to social media tagging Hope’s Cry International and using the hashtag #ForeFreedom

6. The teams who raise the most money will be awarded prizes at the end of the promotion.